'Anti-Hibernation Guide: 5 Tips to Stay Active + Healthy'

Anti-Hibernation Guide: 5 Tips to Stay Active + Healthy

Keep reading for some great advice to help you stay healthy and fit as the weather gets frosty.

CSRHealth Blog
September 19, 2022
'5 Alternative Therapies That Support Gut Health'

5 Alternative Therapies That Support Gut Health

Being proactive about your health and wellbeing is more than a supplement routine or following a meal plan. Being well is a lifestyle.

September 19, 2022
'Vegan Supplements: The Latest Trend in Health and Wellness'

Vegan Supplements: The Latest Trend in Health and Wellness

Vegan supplements are in the health and wellness limelight now -- and for a good reason.

Health Blog
September 19, 2022
'Understanding How Your Gut & Mental Health Impact Each Other'

Understanding How Your Gut & Mental Health Impact Each Other

Ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Or what about “butterflies” in your stomach?

September 19, 2022

Ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Or what about “butterflies” in your stomach? We use these expressions for a reason. The gut-brain connection is real, people!

Your GI tract is sensitive to emotion. Stress, anger, anxiety, sadness, and even elation can trigger gut upsets.

According to Harvard Health, the brain directly affects your stomach and intestines. For instance, the very thought of eating a cheeseburger can release the stomach’s juices before the food passes your lips!

Alas, this connection goes both ways. You see, your troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to your gut. That means your GI distress can be the cause or result of anxiety, stress, or depression.

Simply put, your brain and GI system have a very tight relationship. Read on to learn more about...

'10 Ways To Boost Your Mood Everyday Section: Zen Guides'

10 Ways To Boost Your Mood Everyday Section: Zen Guides

Are you taking a page from a beloved children’s book and having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day?

September 19, 2022

Are you taking a page from a beloved children’s book and having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? Or perhaps you’re simply battling the blahs? That’s totally normal. 

But things can go south quickly when a bad mood is left to fester. Sometimes it’s wise to set it aside temporarily to focus on something that helps quell the blues. 

Below, you’ll find ten ideas to try when your mood is flagging. Bonus: Most of them don’t cost a dime!