Accommodation & Amenities

We have various types of rooms ranging from executive rooms, semi executive, private rooms, and semi-private and general wards to meet the desires of our clients.

We have various types of rooms ranging from executive rooms, semi executive, private rooms, and semi-private and general wards to meet the desires of our clients. Every bed accommodates one patient and one attendant is provided a couch.

The choice of the room is dependent on client needs and choice. We provide bedsheets, mattress, mosquito nets, towels and toiletries.

Patients are provided with specially prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner by the cafeteria as part of their accommodation. Visitors can have their meals from our cafeteria.

  1. Accommodation video
  2. General hospital video clip

Patients & Visitors 

Visiting hours

– 6:00am to 8:00am
– 12:00pm to 2:00pm
– 5:00pm to 9:00pm